Hockey Fights Cancer

The Montreal Canadiens are proud to support the Hockey Fights Cancer program, founded by National Hockey League (NHL) and National Hockey League Players Association (NHLPA) in 1998. Throughout the month of November, a host of fundraising and awareness initiatives are being held to highlight the courage of those living with or moving past cancer.

Hockey Fight Cancer

what is

Hockey fights Cancer

Since the inception of the Hockey Fights Cancer in 1998, a joint initiative with the NHL and NHLPA, the Hockey Fights Cancer programs of the National Hockey League Foundation (in the US) and the NHL Foundation (in Canada), along with NHL supporters and fans, have donated more than $32 million to support national and local cancer research institutions, children's hospitals, player charities, and local charities. Lavender, the official color of Hockey Fights Cancer™, represents all cancers and will be featured prominently throughout the campaign. To join the conversation, use the official hashtag #HockeyFightsCancer. Each of the National Hockey League Foundation and NHL Foundation retain full discretion and control over all funds received by it. For more information about Hockey Fights Cancer, visit:
